Collection: Thamnic

Tasmania's cool temperate rainforests are among the world's oldest.  Species can be traced back in time over 60 million years of evolution.  Thamnic is the botanical term for one very specific forest type: a closed canopy with a distinct understory where you may find Tasmanian laurels, wirewood, native plum and climbing heath.

The scent is inspired by my wanderings in Tasmanian Temperate Rainforests.  This genderless and and grounded perfume is at home in the forest and evokes cool mossy glades, fern fringed streams and rich spicy undergrowth.  It's the perfect gift for anyone who appreciates the tranquility and peace of these places.

Available in a travel atomiser, 10ml refills and a discovery set.

For every refill of Thamnic sold this year, Liminus will donate $5 to the Tasmanian Land Conservancy.  They undertake innovative nature conservation work on private land to protect Tasmania's unique array of plants and wildlife, many of which are found nowhere else in the world.